class Apis \ Fetch

Method Summary

Name Description
checkJSend($json) Checks the JSON to make sure it adheres to the JSend format Throws an JSendException if the JSON returned a 'fail', otherwise returns the wrapped data.
get($url, $options = array(), $headers = array()) Wraps #file_get_contents with timeout information etc. Actually uses curl to do the fetch. Optionally uses the user agent defined in Config::get('fetch_user_agent').
initCurl() Extends #curl_init to also set CURLOPT_TIMEOUT and CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT appropriately. These are set based on Config::get('get_contents_timeout') and Config::get('get_contents_timeout')
jsonDecode($string) Try to decode a JSON string, or try and work out why it failed to decode but throw an exception if it was not a valid JSON string.
post($url, $post_data, $options = array(), $headers = array()) Uses curl to POST data to a URL. Optionally uses the user agent defined in Config::get('fetch_user_agent').

static function checkJSend($json)

Checks the JSON to make sure it adheres to the JSend format Throws an JSendException if the JSON returned a 'fail', otherwise returns the wrapped data.

$json['data'] if there were no problems
JSendException - if there was a failure in the response

static function checkResponse($string)

a - CloudFlareException or IncapsulaException if the given remote response suggests something about CloudFlare or Incapsula
an - FetchException if the response suggests something else that was unexpected

static function get($url, $options = array(), $headers = array())

Wraps #file_get_contents with timeout information etc. Actually uses curl to do the fetch. Optionally uses the user agent defined in Config::get('fetch_user_agent').

TODO currently sets CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to FALSE globally; this should be an option

$options - additional CURL options to pass
options = array()
headers = array()
a - FetchHttpException if the remote server returned HTTP 400 or higher

static function initCurl()

Extends #curl_init to also set CURLOPT_TIMEOUT and CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT appropriately. These are set based on Config::get('get_contents_timeout') and Config::get('get_contents_timeout')

static function jsonDecode($string)

Try to decode a JSON string, or try and work out why it failed to decode but throw an exception if it was not a valid JSON string.

a - FetchException if the JSON is not valid

static function post($url, $post_data, $options = array(), $headers = array())

Uses curl to POST data to a URL. Optionally uses the user agent defined in Config::get('fetch_user_agent').

TODO currently sets CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to FALSE globally; this should be an option

$options - additional CURL options to pass
$headers - additional headers to pass
options = array()
headers = array()
a - FetchHttpException if the remote server returned HTTP 400 or higher