class Core \ GenericOpenclerkJob

All implemented interfaces:

Represents a single Job that needs to be run. (from Job)

Method Summary

Name Description
failed(Exception $runtime_exception, Connection $db, Logger $logger) Implements failing tables; if an account type fails multiple times, then send the user an email and disable the account.
passed(Connection $db, Logger $logger) Callback function for when the job passed. Can do nothing.
run(Connection $db, Logger $logger) Run this job. If this job throws an exception, the job will be considered failed. If this job does not, the job will be considered passed.

public function __construct($job)

public function failed(Exception $runtime_exception, Connection $db, Logger $logger)

Implements failing tables; if an account type fails multiple times, then send the user an email and disable the account.


public function findStandardJob()

public function passed(Connection $db, Logger $logger)

Callback function for when the job passed. Can do nothing. (from passed)

public function run(Connection $db, Logger $logger)

Run this job. If this job throws an exception, the job will be considered failed. If this job does not, the job will be considered passed. (from run)

Exception - if the job failed