class Core\Migrations \ AccountInstanceGenerator

Allows migrations to be generated at runtime.

Method Summary

Name Description
getAccounts() Get all the accounts that we want to create tables for.
getParents() Get all parent Migrations that this migration depends on, as a list

Inherited Method Summary

Name Description
apply(Connection $db) Apply only the current migration. (from Migration)
getAllParents() Get all our parent Migrations along with all of its parents migrations into one unique array. (from Migration)
hasPending(Connection $db) (from Migration)
install(Connection $db, Logger $log) Install the current migration and any parent migrations that this migration depends on. (from Migration)
isApplied(Connection $db) (from Migration)
tableExists(Connection $db, $table) Used e.g. in BaseMigration (from Migration)

public function generateMigrations()

public function getAccounts()

Get all the accounts that we want to create tables for.

public function getName()


public function getParents()

Get all parent Migrations that this migration depends on, as a list (from getParents)
