class Core\Migrations \ GeneratedDifficultyMigration

Allows migrations to be generated at runtime. This means we don't need to create separate migrations for each new currency discovered, because each currency will have a constant table structure.

Method Summary

Name Description
apply(Connection $db) Apply only the current migration.
isApplied(Connection $db) Override the default function to check that a table exists.

Inherited Method Summary

Name Description
getAllParents() Get all our parent Migrations along with all of its parents migrations into one unique array. (from Migration)
getParents() Get all parent Migrations that this migration depends on, as a list (from Migration)
hasPending(Connection $db) (from Migration)
install(Connection $db, Logger $log) Install the current migration and any parent migrations that this migration depends on. (from Migration)
tableExists(Connection $db, $table) Used e.g. in BaseMigration (from Migration)

public function __construct($currency)

public function apply(Connection $db)

Apply only the current migration.

apply(Connection $db)
true on success or false on failure

public function getName()


public function getTable()

public function isApplied(Connection $db)

Override the default function to check that a table exists.

isApplied(Connection $db)
true if this migration is applied