class Cryptocurrency\Algorithms \ SHA256

All implemented interfaces:

The SHA-256 algorithm used in Bitcoin, Namecoin etc hashing.

This is the base interface; other interfaces will provide additional functionality as necessary. (from HashAlgorithm)

Method Summary

Name Description
getCode() Get the unique 1-32 character algorithm code for this algorithm, e.g. 'sha256' or 'scrypt'. Must be lowercase. This is not visible to users.
getDivisor() For some currencies, hashrates are normally measured in kh/s (divisor = 1e3); for some currencies, hashrates are normally measured in MH/s (divisor = 1e6); for some currencies, hashrates are normally measured in GH/s (divisor = 1e9).
getName() Get the English name of this algorithm, e.g. "SHA-256" or "Scrypt".

Inherited Method Summary

Name Description
getDivisorText() Get the user-visible text for this divisor. By default, generates the text based on #getDivisor(). (from HashAlgorithm)

public function getCode()

Get the unique 1-32 character algorithm code for this algorithm, e.g. 'sha256' or 'scrypt'. Must be lowercase. This is not visible to users.


public function getDivisor()

For some currencies, hashrates are normally measured in kh/s (divisor = 1e3); for some currencies, hashrates are normally measured in MH/s (divisor = 1e6); for some currencies, hashrates are normally measured in GH/s (divisor = 1e9).

by default, 1e3

public function getName()

Get the English name of this algorithm, e.g. "SHA-256" or "Scrypt".


public function getURL()

the URL of the hash algorithm, or null