class Cryptocurrency\Services \ FeathercoinExplorer

Represents something that can fetch Feathercoin statistics.

TODO it may be possible to do confirmations

Method Summary

Name Description

Inherited Method Summary

Name Description
stripHTML($html) (from AbstractHTMLService)
getBalance($address, Logger $logger, $is_received = false) (from AbstractCoinplorerService)
getBalanceURL($address) (from AbstractCoinplorerService)
getBlockCount(Logger $logger) (from AbstractCoinplorerService)
getCURLOptions() Must force TLSv1. If this does not work, make sure you are using CURL 7.34+. (from AbstractCoinplorerService)
getDifficulty(Logger $logger) (from AbstractCoinplorerService)
getExplorerName() (from AbstractCoinplorerService)
getExplorerURL() (from AbstractCoinplorerService)

public function __construct()

__construct(Currency $currency, $args)