class (none) \ GraphRenderer_SummaryGraphConvertedCrypto

Simply replaces the title.

Method Summary

Name Description
getTitle() Get the title of this graph

Inherited Method Summary

Name Description
__construct($summary_type, $currency) (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
canHaveTechnicals() Can this graph have technicals? If this returns true, then the resulting data will always be sorted. By default, returns true. (from GraphRenderer)
convertGraphToProportional($original) Relabel all columns to have ' %' prefix, and reformat all data to be proportional based on the sum of each row. Uses the output of #getData(). (from GraphRenderer)
getChartType() What type of chart is this rendered as? By default, returns linechart. (from GraphRenderer)
getClasses() (from GraphRenderer)
getCustomSubheading() Calculate the custom subheading value for this graph, or false if this graph does not have a custom subheading defined (and subheadings calculated through #hasSubheading() will use default sum/array logic). By default, returns false. (from GraphRenderer)
getData($days) (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
getLabel() Get the label that should be associated with the #getURL(), or false if there shouldn't be any. Should be wrapped in ct(). (from GraphRenderer)
getTitleArgs() Get any localisation (i18n) string arguments for the title given in #getTitle(). By default, returns an empty array. (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
getURL() Get the URL that the title of this graph should link to, or false if it should not link anywhere (from GraphRenderer)
getUser() (from GraphRenderer)
hasSubheading() Does this graph have a subheading? By default, returns true. (from GraphRenderer)
requiresAdmin() Does rendering this graph require an admin user? By default, returns false. (from GraphRenderer)
requiresUser() Does rendering this graph require a user? By default, returns false. (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
setUser($user_id) (from GraphRenderer)
usesDays() Does this function require a days parameter? If true, then the returned data will be stripped based on the keys returned in the data - assumes that the data uses dates as keys. By default, returns true. (from GraphRenderer)
usesSummaries() Does this graph use summaries which may be out of date for a user? By default, returns false. (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
getTickerArgs() (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
getTickerColumns() (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
getTickerData($row) (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
getTickerSources($days, $extra_days) The sources must return 'created_at' column as well, for last_updated (from GraphRenderer_SummaryGraph)
isDaily() (from GraphRenderer_AbstractTicker)

public function getTitle()

Get the title of this graph (from getTitle)
