interface Account \ DisabledAccount

All known implementing classes:
Beeeeer, CoinHuntr, DedicatedPoolDOGE, DogechainPool, DogepoolPw, ElitistJerks, FiftyBTC, HashFasterFTC, HypernovaPw, Kattare, LTCMineRu, Lite_CoinPool, LitepoolEu, MiningForemanFTC, MiningForemanLTC, MiningPoolCo, MuPool, Nut2PoolsFTC, PoolX, RapidHashDOGE, RapidHashVTC, ScryptGuild, ScryptPools, ShibePool, SmallTimeMinerMEC, TeamDoge, WeMineFTC, Bips, BitcurexEUR, BitcurexPLN, CryptoTrade, Justcoin, MtGox, VaultOfSatoshi

Represents an account that is no longer valid, but it might be useful to list account information for historical reasons.

Method Summary

Name Description
disabledAt() When was this account type disabled?

public function disabledAt()

When was this account type disabled?

some parseable date string