interface Account \ SecurityExchangeAccountType

All implemented interfaces:

Represents some type of third-party security exchange account, for example, on Havelock Investments.

Along with the #fetchBalances of an AccountType, this interface adds #fetchSecurities() for an account instance, that returns the securities "owned" by a particular account.

Method Summary

Name Description
fetchSecurities($account, Logger $logger) Get all securities balances for this account. May block.
fetchSecurity($security, $account, Logger $logger) Helper function to get all securities value for the given security for this account, or null if there is no balance for this security. May block.
fetchSecurityBalance($security, $account, Logger $logger) Helper function to get the current, owned number of shares (units) of the given security for this account. May block.

public function fetchSecurities($account, Logger $logger)

Get all securities balances for this account. May block.

Returned results may include: - owned: raw owned number of shares - available: available number of shares to trade - reserved: unavailable number of shares to trade

$account - fields that satisfy #getFields
an array of ('security' => ('owned', 'available', 'reserved', ...))

public function fetchSecurity($security, $account, Logger $logger)

Helper function to get all securities value for the given security for this account, or null if there is no balance for this security. May block.

$account - fields that satisfy #getFields
array('owned', 'available', 'reserved', ...) or null

public function fetchSecurityBalance($security, $account, Logger $logger)

Helper function to get the current, owned number of shares (units) of the given security for this account. May block.

$account - fields that satisfy #getFields or null