interface Openclerk\Currencies \ BalanceableCurrency

All implemented interfaces:
Currency, AddressableCurrency
All known implementing classes:
Bitcoin, Blackcoin, Darkcoin, Digitalcoin, Dogecoin, Feathercoin, Hobonickels, Ixcoin, Litecoin, Megacoin, Namecoin, Netcoin, Novacoin, NuBits, NuShares, Nxt, Peercoin, Primecoin, Reddcoin, Ripple, Storjcoin, Terracoin, Vericoin, Vertcoin, Viacoin, Worldcoin, Cryptocurrency

An "BalanceableCurrency" is a AddressableCurrency where we can obtain balances for a given account identifier.

This is the base interface; other interfaces will provide additional functionality as necessary. (from Currency)

Method Summary

Name Description
getBalance($id, Logger $logger) Get the account balance of the given account. This method blocks until the balance has been obtained.

public function getBalance($id, Logger $logger)

Get the account balance of the given account. This method blocks until the balance has been obtained.

$logger - a logger to log info/error messages to
BalanceException if something happened and the balance could not be obtained