interface Openclerk\Currencies \ BlockBalanceableCurrency

All implemented interfaces:
All known implementing classes:
Bitcoin, Darkcoin, Dogecoin, Ixcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, Netcoin

A "BlockBalanceableCurrency" is a currency in which we can get the balance at a certain block number.

This is the base interface; other interfaces will provide additional functionality as necessary. (from Currency)


Method Summary

Name Description
getBalanceAtBlock($address, $block, Logger $logger) Get the balance at the given block number. This allows us to cache the block number and not have to request it on every balance request.

public function getBalanceAtBlock($address, $block, Logger $logger)

Get the balance at the given block number. This allows us to cache the block number and not have to request it on every balance request.

$block - the block number, or null to get the most recent balance
BalanceException if something happened and the block count could not be obtained