interface Openclerk\Currencies \ CurrencyInformation

All known implementing classes:
CexGigahash, Bitcoin, Blackcoin, Darkcoin, Digitalcoin, Dogecoin, Feathercoin, Hobonickels, Ixcoin, Litecoin, Megacoin, Namecoin, Netcoin, Novacoin, NuBits, NuShares, Nxt, Peercoin, Primecoin, Reddcoin, Ripple, Storjcoin, Terracoin, Vericoin, Vertcoin, Viacoin, Worldcoin, AustralianDollar, CanadianDollar, DanishKrone, Euro, IndianRupee, IsraeliNewShekel, NewZealandDollar, PolishZloty, PoundSterling, Renminbi, SingaporeDollar, SouthKoreanWon, UnitedStatesDollar, CommodityCurrency, Cryptocurrency, FiatCurrency

Adds more user information about a currency.

Method Summary

Name Description
getCurrency() Get the Currency for this CurrencyInformation.

public function getCommunityLinks()

an array of (url => title) community links, or an empty array if there are none

public function getCurrency()

Get the Currency for this CurrencyInformation.

public function getURL()

a URL for more information about this currency, or null if there is none