class Users \ UserOpenID

Allows users to be logged in with OpenID. Based on LightOpenID

Method Summary

Name Description
addIdentity(Connection $db, User $user, $openid, $redirect)
removeIdentity(Connection $db, User $user, $openid) Remove the given OpenID identity from the given user.
tryLogin(Connection $db, $openid, $redirect) Try logging in as a user with the given email and password.
trySignup(Connection $db, $email, $openid, $redirect)
validateOpenID($openid, $redirect) Try do OpenID validation (with the given redirect).

static function addIdentity(Connection $db, User $user, $openid, $redirect)

the added OpenID identity
UserSignupException - if the user could not be signed up, with a reason
UserAlreadyExistsException - if the identity already exists in the database

static function removeIdentity(Connection $db, User $user, $openid)

Remove the given OpenID identity from the given user.

static function tryLogin(Connection $db, $openid, $redirect)

Try logging in as a user with the given email and password.

$redirect - the registered redirect URI
a valid User
UserAuthenticationException - if the user could not be logged in, with a reason

static function trySignup(Connection $db, $email, $openid, $redirect)

the created User
UserSignupException - if the user could not be signed up, with a reason
UserAlreadyExistsException - if the identity or email already exists in the database

static function validateOpenID($openid, $redirect)

Try do OpenID validation (with the given redirect).

the validated LightOpenID object on success
UserSignupException - if anything bad happened