class (none) \ OpenclerkJobRunnerType

Run jobs of a given prefix.

TODO create more intelligent job selection methods (from JobRunner)

Method Summary

Name Description
findJob(Connection $db, Logger $logger) Find a job that starts with the given prefix

Inherited Method Summary

Name Description
createJob($job, Connection $db, Logger $logger) Just creates GenericOpenclerkJobs for now (from OpenclerkJobRunner)
defaultFindJobQuery() (from JobRunner)
runOne(Connection $db, Logger $logger) Select and run a Job. If the job throws an exception, the job runner will capture this exception and mark the job as failed as necessary. (from JobRunner)
isJobsDisabled(Logger $logger) (from OpenclerkJobRunner)

public function __construct($job_prefix)


public function findJob(Connection $db, Logger $logger)

Find a job that starts with the given prefix

findJob(Connection $db, Logger $logger)
a job array (id, job_type, [user_id], [arg_id]) or false if there is none