class (none) \ PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_SameSize

All implemented interfaces:
Countable, PHPUnit_Framework_SelfDescribing

Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint)

Method Summary

Name Description

Inherited Method Summary

Name Description
additionalFailureDescription($other)Return additional failure description where needed (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint)
count()Counts the number of constraint elements. (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint)
evaluate($other, $description = "", $returnResult = false)Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint)
fail($other, $description, ComparisonFailure $comparisonFailure = null)Throws an exception for the given compared value and test description (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint)
failureDescription($other)Returns the description of the failure (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Count)
matches($other)Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other. Returns true if the constraint is met, false otherwise. (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Count)
getCountOf($other) (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Count)
toString()Returns a string representation of the object. (from PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Count)

public function __construct($expected)

integer - $expected