PHPUnit_Extensions_GroupTestSuite | We have a TestSuite object A. In TestSuite object A we have Tests tagged with @group. We want a TestSuite object B that contains TestSuite objects C, D, ... for the Tests tagged with @group C, @group D, ... Running the Tests from TestSuite object B results in Tests tagged with both |
PHPUnit_Extensions_PhptTestCase | Runner for PHPT test cases. |
PHPUnit_Extensions_PhptTestSuite | Suite for .phpt test cases. |
PHPUnit_Extensions_RepeatedTest | A Decorator that runs a test repeatedly. |
PHPUnit_Extensions_TestDecorator | A Decorator for Tests. |
PHPUnit_Extensions_TicketListener | Base class for test listeners that interact with an issue tracker. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert | A set of assert methods. |
PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError | Thrown when an assertion failed. |
PHPUnit_Framework_BaseTestListener | An empty Listener that can be extended to implement TestListener with just a few lines of code. |
PHPUnit_Framework_CodeCoverageException | Base class for all PHPUnit Framework exceptions. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_And | Logical AND. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ArrayHasKey | Constraint that asserts that the array it is evaluated for has a given key. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ArraySubset | Constraint that asserts that the array it is evaluated for has a specified subset. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Attribute | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Callback | Constraint that evaluates against a specified closure. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ClassHasAttribute | Constraint that asserts that the class it is evaluated for has a given attribute. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ClassHasStaticAttribute | Constraint that asserts that the class it is evaluated for has a given static attribute. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Composite | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Count | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Exception | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ExceptionCode | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ExceptionMessage | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ExceptionMessageRegExp | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_FileExists | Constraint that checks if the file(name) that it is evaluated for exists. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_GreaterThan | Constraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is greater than a given value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsAnything | Constraint that accepts any input value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEmpty | Constraint that checks whether a variable is empty(). |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEqual | Constraint that checks if one value is equal to another. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsFalse | Constraint that accepts false. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsIdentical | Constraint that asserts that one value is identical to another. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsInstanceOf | Constraint that asserts that the object it is evaluated for is an instance of a given class. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsJson | Constraint that asserts that a string is valid JSON. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsNull | Constraint that accepts null. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsTrue | Constraint that accepts true. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType | Constraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is of a specified type. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_JsonMatches | Asserts whether or not two JSON objects are equal. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_JsonMatches_ErrorMessageProvider | Provides human readable messages for each JSON error. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_LessThan | Constraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is less than a given value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Not | Logical NOT. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ObjectHasAttribute | Constraint that asserts that the object it is evaluated for has a given attribute. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Or | Logical OR. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatch | Constraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for matches a regular expression. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_SameSize | Abstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_StringContains | Constraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for contains a given string. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_StringEndsWith | Constraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for ends with a given suffix. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_StringMatches | ... |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_StringStartsWith | Constraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for begins with a given prefix. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_TraversableContains | Constraint that asserts that the Traversable it is applied to contains a given value. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_TraversableContainsOnly | Constraint that asserts that the Traversable it is applied to contains only values of a given type. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Xor | Logical XOR. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Error | Wrapper for PHP errors. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Deprecated | Wrapper for PHP deprecated errors. You can disable deprecated-to-exception conversion by setting |
PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice | Wrapper for PHP notices. You can disable notice-to-exception conversion by setting |
PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning | Wrapper for PHP warnings. You can disable notice-to-exception conversion by setting |
PHPUnit_Framework_Exception | Base class for all PHPUnit Framework exceptions. |
PHPUnit_Framework_ExceptionWrapper | Wraps Exceptions thrown by code under test. |
PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException | Exception for expectations which failed their check. |
PHPUnit_Framework_IncompleteTestCase | An incomplete test case |
PHPUnit_Framework_IncompleteTestError | Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of an incomplete test. |
PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetError | Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test that is skipped because of an invalid @covers annotation. |
PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetException | Base class for all PHPUnit Framework exceptions. |
PHPUnit_Framework_OutputError | Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test that printed output. |
PHPUnit_Framework_RiskyTestError | Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a risky test. |
PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestCase | A skipped test case |
PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestError | Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a skipped test. |
PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestSuiteError | Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a skipped test suite. |
PHPUnit_Framework_SyntheticError | Creates a synthetic failed assertion. |
PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase | A TestCase defines the fixture to run multiple tests. |
PHPUnit_Framework_TestFailure | A TestFailure collects a failed test together with the caught exception. |
PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult | A TestResult collects the results of executing a test case. |
PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite | A TestSuite is a composite of Tests. It runs a collection of test cases. |
PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite_DataProvider | A TestSuite is a composite of Tests. It runs a collection of test cases. |
PHPUnit_Framework_UnintentionallyCoveredCodeError | Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test test that unintentionally covers code. |
PHPUnit_Framework_Warning | A warning. |
PHPUnit_Runner_BaseTestRunner | Base class for all test runners. |
PHPUnit_Runner_Exception | Marker interface for PHPUnit exceptions. |
PHPUnit_Runner_Filter_Factory | |
PHPUnit_Runner_Filter_GroupFilterIterator | |
PHPUnit_Runner_Filter_Group_Exclude | |
PHPUnit_Runner_Filter_Group_Include | |
PHPUnit_Runner_Filter_Test | |
PHPUnit_Runner_StandardTestSuiteLoader | The standard test suite loader. |
PHPUnit_Runner_Version | This class defines the current version of PHPUnit. |
PHPUnit_TextUI_Command | A TestRunner for the Command Line Interface (CLI) PHP SAPI Module. |
PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter | Prints the result of a TextUI TestRunner run. |
PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner | A TestRunner for the Command Line Interface (CLI) PHP SAPI Module. |
PHPUnit_Util_Blacklist | Utility class for blacklisting PHPUnit's own source code files. |
PHPUnit_Util_Configuration | Wrapper for the PHPUnit XML configuration file. |
PHPUnit_Util_ErrorHandler | Error handler that converts PHP errors and warnings to exceptions. |
PHPUnit_Util_Fileloader | Utility methods to load PHP sourcefiles. |
PHPUnit_Util_Filesystem | Filesystem helpers. |
PHPUnit_Util_Filter | Utility class for code filtering. |
PHPUnit_Util_Getopt | Command-line options parsing class. |
PHPUnit_Util_GlobalState | |
PHPUnit_Util_InvalidArgumentHelper | Factory for PHPUnit_Framework_Exception objects that are used to describe invalid arguments passed to a function or method. |
PHPUnit_Util_Log_JSON | A TestListener that generates JSON messages. |
PHPUnit_Util_Log_JUnit | A TestListener that generates a logfile of the test execution in XML markup. |
PHPUnit_Util_Log_TAP | A TestListener that generates a logfile of the test execution using the Test Anything Protocol (TAP). |
PHPUnit_Util_PHP | Utility methods for PHP sub-processes. |
PHPUnit_Util_PHP_Default | Default utility for PHP sub-processes. |
PHPUnit_Util_PHP_Windows | Windows utility for PHP sub-processes. |
PHPUnit_Util_Printer | Utility class that can print to STDOUT or write to a file. |
PHPUnit_Util_Regex | Error handler that converts PHP errors and warnings to exceptions. |
PHPUnit_Util_String | String helpers. |
PHPUnit_Util_Test | Test helpers. |
PHPUnit_Util_TestDox_NamePrettifier | Prettifies class and method names for use in TestDox documentation. |
PHPUnit_Util_TestDox_ResultPrinter | Base class for printers of TestDox documentation. |
PHPUnit_Util_TestDox_ResultPrinter_HTML | Prints TestDox documentation in HTML format. |
PHPUnit_Util_TestDox_ResultPrinter_Text | Prints TestDox documentation in text format. |
PHPUnit_Util_TestSuiteIterator | Iterator for test suites. |
PHPUnit_Util_Type | Utility class for textual type (and value) representation. |
PHPUnit_Util_XML | XML helpers. |