namespace (none)


Name Description
PHPUnit_ExceptionMarker interface for PHPUnit exceptions.
PHPUnit_Framework_IncompleteTestA marker interface for marking any exception/error as result of an unit test as incomplete implementation or currently not implemented.
PHPUnit_Framework_RiskyTestA marker interface for marking any exception/error as result of an unit test as risky.
PHPUnit_Framework_SelfDescribingInterface for classes that can return a description of itself.
PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestA marker interface for marking a unit test as being skipped.
PHPUnit_Framework_TestA Test can be run and collect its results.
PHPUnit_Framework_TestListenerA Listener for test progress.
PHPUnit_Runner_TestSuiteLoaderAn interface to define how a test suite should be loaded.


Name Description
PHPUnit_Extensions_GroupTestSuiteWe have a TestSuite object A. In TestSuite object A we have Tests tagged with @group. We want a TestSuite object B that contains TestSuite objects C, D, ... for the Tests tagged with @group C, @group D, ... Running the Tests from TestSuite object B results in Tests tagged with both
PHPUnit_Extensions_PhptTestCaseRunner for PHPT test cases.
PHPUnit_Extensions_PhptTestSuiteSuite for .phpt test cases.
PHPUnit_Extensions_RepeatedTestA Decorator that runs a test repeatedly.
PHPUnit_Extensions_TestDecoratorA Decorator for Tests.
PHPUnit_Extensions_TicketListenerBase class for test listeners that interact with an issue tracker.
PHPUnit_Framework_AssertA set of assert methods.
PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedErrorThrown when an assertion failed.
PHPUnit_Framework_BaseTestListenerAn empty Listener that can be extended to implement TestListener with just a few lines of code.
PHPUnit_Framework_CodeCoverageExceptionBase class for all PHPUnit Framework exceptions.
PHPUnit_Framework_ConstraintAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_AndLogical AND.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ArrayHasKeyConstraint that asserts that the array it is evaluated for has a given key.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ArraySubsetConstraint that asserts that the array it is evaluated for has a specified subset.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_AttributeAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_CallbackConstraint that evaluates against a specified closure.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ClassHasAttributeConstraint that asserts that the class it is evaluated for has a given attribute.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ClassHasStaticAttributeConstraint that asserts that the class it is evaluated for has a given static attribute.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_CompositeAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_CountAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ExceptionAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ExceptionCodeAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ExceptionMessageAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ExceptionMessageRegExpAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_FileExistsConstraint that checks if the file(name) that it is evaluated for exists.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_GreaterThanConstraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is greater than a given value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsAnythingConstraint that accepts any input value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEmptyConstraint that checks whether a variable is empty().
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEqualConstraint that checks if one value is equal to another.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsFalseConstraint that accepts false.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsIdenticalConstraint that asserts that one value is identical to another.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsInstanceOfConstraint that asserts that the object it is evaluated for is an instance of a given class.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsJsonConstraint that asserts that a string is valid JSON.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsNullConstraint that accepts null.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsTrueConstraint that accepts true.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsTypeConstraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is of a specified type.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_JsonMatchesAsserts whether or not two JSON objects are equal.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_JsonMatches_ErrorMessageProviderProvides human readable messages for each JSON error.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_LessThanConstraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is less than a given value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_NotLogical NOT.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_ObjectHasAttributeConstraint that asserts that the object it is evaluated for has a given attribute.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_OrLogical OR.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_PCREMatchConstraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for matches a regular expression.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_SameSizeAbstract base class for constraints. which are placed upon any value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_StringContainsConstraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for contains a given string.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_StringEndsWithConstraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for ends with a given suffix.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_StringStartsWithConstraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for begins with a given prefix.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_TraversableContainsConstraint that asserts that the Traversable it is applied to contains a given value.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_TraversableContainsOnlyConstraint that asserts that the Traversable it is applied to contains only values of a given type.
PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_XorLogical XOR.
PHPUnit_Framework_ErrorWrapper for PHP errors.
PHPUnit_Framework_Error_DeprecatedWrapper for PHP deprecated errors. You can disable deprecated-to-exception conversion by setting
PHPUnit_Framework_Error_NoticeWrapper for PHP notices. You can disable notice-to-exception conversion by setting
PHPUnit_Framework_Error_WarningWrapper for PHP warnings. You can disable notice-to-exception conversion by setting
PHPUnit_Framework_ExceptionBase class for all PHPUnit Framework exceptions.
PHPUnit_Framework_ExceptionWrapperWraps Exceptions thrown by code under test.
PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedExceptionException for expectations which failed their check.
PHPUnit_Framework_IncompleteTestCaseAn incomplete test case
PHPUnit_Framework_IncompleteTestErrorExtension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of an incomplete test.
PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetErrorExtension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test that is skipped because of an invalid @covers annotation.
PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetExceptionBase class for all PHPUnit Framework exceptions.
PHPUnit_Framework_OutputErrorExtension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test that printed output.
PHPUnit_Framework_RiskyTestErrorExtension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a risky test.
PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestCaseA skipped test case
PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestErrorExtension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a skipped test.
PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestSuiteErrorExtension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a skipped test suite.
PHPUnit_Framework_SyntheticErrorCreates a synthetic failed assertion.
PHPUnit_Framework_TestCaseA TestCase defines the fixture to run multiple tests.
PHPUnit_Framework_TestFailureA TestFailure collects a failed test together with the caught exception.
PHPUnit_Framework_TestResultA TestResult collects the results of executing a test case.
PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuiteA TestSuite is a composite of Tests. It runs a collection of test cases.
PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite_DataProviderA TestSuite is a composite of Tests. It runs a collection of test cases.
PHPUnit_Framework_UnintentionallyCoveredCodeErrorExtension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test test that unintentionally covers code.
PHPUnit_Framework_WarningA warning.
PHPUnit_Runner_BaseTestRunnerBase class for all test runners.
PHPUnit_Runner_ExceptionMarker interface for PHPUnit exceptions.
PHPUnit_Runner_StandardTestSuiteLoaderThe standard test suite loader.
PHPUnit_Runner_VersionThis class defines the current version of PHPUnit.
PHPUnit_TextUI_CommandA TestRunner for the Command Line Interface (CLI) PHP SAPI Module.
PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinterPrints the result of a TextUI TestRunner run.
PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunnerA TestRunner for the Command Line Interface (CLI) PHP SAPI Module.
PHPUnit_Util_BlacklistUtility class for blacklisting PHPUnit's own source code files.
PHPUnit_Util_ConfigurationWrapper for the PHPUnit XML configuration file.
PHPUnit_Util_ErrorHandlerError handler that converts PHP errors and warnings to exceptions.
PHPUnit_Util_FileloaderUtility methods to load PHP sourcefiles.
PHPUnit_Util_FilesystemFilesystem helpers.
PHPUnit_Util_FilterUtility class for code filtering.
PHPUnit_Util_GetoptCommand-line options parsing class.
PHPUnit_Util_InvalidArgumentHelperFactory for PHPUnit_Framework_Exception objects that are used to describe invalid arguments passed to a function or method.
PHPUnit_Util_Log_JSONA TestListener that generates JSON messages.
PHPUnit_Util_Log_JUnitA TestListener that generates a logfile of the test execution in XML markup.
PHPUnit_Util_Log_TAPA TestListener that generates a logfile of the test execution using the Test Anything Protocol (TAP).
PHPUnit_Util_PHPUtility methods for PHP sub-processes.
PHPUnit_Util_PHP_DefaultDefault utility for PHP sub-processes.
PHPUnit_Util_PHP_WindowsWindows utility for PHP sub-processes.
PHPUnit_Util_PrinterUtility class that can print to STDOUT or write to a file.
PHPUnit_Util_RegexError handler that converts PHP errors and warnings to exceptions.
PHPUnit_Util_StringString helpers.
PHPUnit_Util_TestTest helpers.
PHPUnit_Util_TestDox_NamePrettifierPrettifies class and method names for use in TestDox documentation.
PHPUnit_Util_TestDox_ResultPrinterBase class for printers of TestDox documentation.
PHPUnit_Util_TestDox_ResultPrinter_HTMLPrints TestDox documentation in HTML format.
PHPUnit_Util_TestDox_ResultPrinter_TextPrints TestDox documentation in text format.
PHPUnit_Util_TestSuiteIteratorIterator for test suites.
PHPUnit_Util_TypeUtility class for textual type (and value) representation.
PHPUnit_Util_XMLXML helpers.